A perfect wardrobe is built in clusters..

Little pieces that you can mix and match.

in order to build a perfect cluster chose clothing that you can mix and match in colors that compliment each other.

Eg a skirt that fits every jacket you own and a jacket that fits both skirts and trousers that you own.

You don’t need to have too many clothes to achieve this all you need is enough clothes to swap with and more accessories

accessories 20% clothes 10%

Even those on a budget can do this as well because its not the amount of clothes you have but the ability to carefully choose your pieces, to be able to curb the urge to buy things you don’t need and buying only relevant timeless pieces.

a simple colorful scarf can put a spin in an outfit or a broach, this is why having more accessories is one the keys.

Carefully planning your outfits so as to look effortless stylish is another major key.

Be FABulous.